Cookie Policy - Alosys
1. Premise
This document is an integral and substantial part of the Privacy Policy and of the information contained therein. For more information, therefore, we invite you to read the Privacy Policy on this website and available at the following link: https://www.appyoukey.com/privacy-policy
2. Information on the use of Cookies
This document contains information, in accordance with articles 12 and 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016 (hereinafter "GDPR”) and the regulations in force on the subject, regarding the technologies that allow the Data Controller to achieve the purposes described below.
The reference legal framework consists both of the provisions of Directive 2002/58/EC (so-called ePrivacy Directive) and subsequent amendments, as transposed into national law in art. 122 of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196 (hereinafter Code), as per the GDPR, for what specifically concerns the notion of consent pursuant to articles 4, point 11) and 7 and in recital 32, as most recently interpreted by the Guidelines of the WP29 adopted on April 10, 2018, ratified by the European Data Protection Board on May 25, 2018 and most recently replaced by Guidelines 05 /2020 on consent under Regulation 2016/679 adopted on 4 May 2020.
With the Provision n. 229 of 8 May 2014, the Guarantor for the protection of personal data has identified the methods for acquiring consent for the use of Cookies, with Provision no. 231 of 10 June 2021, the Guarantor has further expanded the Guidelines on the use of Cookies and other Tracking Tools.
3. Data controller
The Data Controller of the data collected through this site is ALOSYS COMMUNICATIONS SRL (hereinafter also "Alosys”, the “Company” or the “Holder”) with registered office in Via Giovanni Paisiello 12 Int. S29 Rome 00198, Fiscal Code and VAT number: 08974171004.
The contact details of the Data Controller are:
telephone: 06.5196475
fax: 06.54224210
e-mail: comunicazione@alosys.it
4. What is a Cookie
Cookies are tracking tools that consist of small portions of data that are placed and stored by websites (usually via the browser) within the user's terminal device, so that they are then retransmitted on subsequent visits.
Cookies allow a website to recognize the user's device and perform certain functions. On each visit following the first, therefore, the cookies are sent back to the website that originated them (first-party cookies) or to another site that recognizes them (third-party cookies) and recognizes the preferences granted by the user.
They have various purposes such as, for example, allowing you to navigate between pages efficiently, remembering your favorite sites and, in general, improving the browsing experience. They can also help to ensure that the advertising content displayed online is more targeted to the user and his interests, or to modulate the provision of the service in a personalized way beyond what is strictly necessary for its delivery, or to carry out analysis and monitoring the behavior of website visitors.
The site uses Cookies managed directly by the Owner ("first-party" Cookies) and Cookies that enable services provided by third parties (commonly called "third-party" Cookies).
5. What cookies does the https://www.appyoukey.com site use
The site uses different types of first-party cookies (prepared and managed by Alosys), third-party cookies (prepared and managed by third parties based on their privacy policies and not under the control of Alosys) and similar technologies, each of which has a specific function.
The Cookies used are the following:
"Technical" and "analytics" cookies
"Profiling" cookies and "Third-party" cookies
5.1 Technical cookies
"Technical" cookies are strictly necessary for the functioning of the website and the applications contained therein. Without prejudice to the obligation to provide information regarding their use pursuant to art. art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679, the use of these Cookies does not require the user's consent.
They are divided into:
Cookies by navigation or session necessary for normal navigation and use of the website (such as to make a purchase or to authenticate to access restricted areas);
Cookies by functionality, which allow the user to navigate according to a series of selected criteria (for example, the language, the products selected for purchase) in order to improve the browsing experience of the websites and are essentially persistent.
5.2 Cookie Analytics
"Analytics" Cookies are not technical Cookies, but can be assimilated to these as they are used for site optimization purposes directly by the site owner, who will be able to collect statistical information in aggregate form on the number of users and on how these visit the site, without the possibility of going back to the identification of the single user. If, on the other hand, the processing of such statistical analyzes is entrusted to third parties, user data must be minimized in advance and cannot be combined with other processing or transmitted to other third parties.
5.3 Profiling cookies
Profiling Cookies are all those Cookies used for profiling and marketing purposes, used to lead specific, identified or identifiable subjects to specific actions or recurring behavioral patterns in the use of the features offered for the purpose of grouping the different profiles within homogeneous clusters of different sizes, so that it is possible for the Data Controller, among other things, to modulate the provision of the service in an increasingly personalized way beyond what is strictly necessary for the provision of the service, as well as to send targeted advertising messages, i.e. in line with the preferences expressed by the user in the context of surfing the net.
These types of Cookies can, in turn, be grouped according to the functions they perform in:
Analitycs: this category includes Cookies used to collect and analyze statistical information on accesses/visits to the website, associated with other information such as the credentials entered for access to restricted areas (your e-mail address and password) , and as such they can be used for marketing and profiling purposes.
Widgets: this category includes all those graphic components of a user interface of a program, which have the purpose of facilitating the user's interaction with the program itself. By way of example, the cookies of Facebook, Google+, Twitter are widgets.
Advertising and Targeting: Cookies used to advertise within a site fall into this category. In particular, they are used to display the ads most suited to the user's characteristics and interests. They are also used to limit the number of times an advertisement is seen, as well as to help measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. They are typically placed by advertising networks with the site operator's permission; store visits to the website and share this information with other companies, such as advertisers.
Web Beacons: this category includes code fragments that allow a website to transfer or collect information by requesting a graphic image. Websites can use them for various purposes, such as analyzing the use of websites, monitoring and reporting on advertising and personalizing advertising and content.
The use of profiling cookies requires the prior acquisition of the user's free informed consent, who can revoke this consent at any time. Refusal to consent to the use of profiling cookies will not interfere with the possibility of accessing the website, except for the impossibility of accessing those functions or contents that make use of these cookies.
5.4 Third party cookies
Third-party cookies are aimed at creating user profiles in order to send commercial messages that meet the preferences shown during the visit to the site or to improve the browsing experience. These Cookies also allow you to offer commercial offers on other affiliated websites (so-called "retargeting").
Since the use of third-party Cookies on this site cannot be completely controlled by the Owner, any specific references to third-party tracking tools are to be considered indicative.
Users who would like more information about the processing carried out by third parties are invited to acquire such further information by consulting the privacy policies of the respective third-party suppliers or by contacting the Data Controller.
It is possible that the use of third-party cookies involves a transfer of data outside the territory of the European Union.
6. Consent management methods
It is possible to prevent and block the use of profiling cookies:
As regards the use of Cookies collected and processed by the Data Controller, it is possible to deny consent to the processing or subsequently revoke it;
For analytical and third-party profiling cookies, you can express your options by visiting the dedicated area of the third-party website and following any instructions therein, or by directly contacting the third-party of interest.
6.1 Configuring your browser and device
Most browsers are configured to control, accept or eventually disable Cookies (all or just some) through the settings. However, disabling navigation or functional cookies can cause unsatisfactory functioning of the site and/or limit the service offered.
To change the way Cookies are used, to block their receipt or even to delete the Cookies present on your terminal, simply enter your browser settings.
Although through similar steps, the Cookie configuration method varies for each browser. For details on the procedure to follow, the user can acquire further information by visiting sites such as www.aboutCookie.org and www.youronlinechoices.com by consulting the 'Help' section of your browser, or by using the links provided in the following paragraph.
Users can find information on how to manage cookies in some of the most popular browsers at the following addresses:
Users can also manage some Mobile Application Cookies by turning them off through the appropriate device settings, such as mobile advertising settings or general tracking settings (users can consult their device settings to identify the relevant one).
7. List of Cookies on the site https://www.appyoukey.com
The Cookies present on the site are listed below, with the possibility of modifying their settings and saving them for subsequent accesses
7.1 Necessary cookies and analytics
Necessary Cookies help to help make a website usable by enabling basic functions such as page navigation and access to secure areas of the website.
The website cannot function properly without these Cookies.
Nome | Fornitore | Scopo | Scadenza | Tipo |
svSession | appyoukey.com | Tiene traccia di un visitatore su tutti i siti wix.com. Le informazioni raccolte possono essere utilizzate per rendere la pubblicità più pertinente per il visitatore | 399 giorni | HTTP |
fedops.logger.sessionId | appyoukey.com | Registra dati statistici su l comportamento dei utenti sul sito web. Questi vengono utilizzati per l'analisi interna dall'operatore del sito | 1 giorno | HTML |
fedops.logger.defaultOverrides | appyoukey.com | Registra dati statistici su l comportamento dei utenti sul sito web. Questi vengono utilizzati per l'analisi interna dall'operatore del sito | 1 giorno | HTTP |
bSession | appyoukey.com | Imposta un ID univoco per la sessione. Ciò consente al sito web di ottenere dati sul comportament o dei visitatori a fini statistici | 1 giorno | HTTP |
XSRF-TOKEN | appyoukey.com | Garantisce la sicurezza della navigazione dei visitatori impedendo le falsificazioni delle richieste trasiti. Questo cookie è essenziale per la sicurezza del sito web e del visitatore | Session | HTTP |
ssr-caching | appyoukey.com | Questo cookie è necessario per la funzione cache. Una cache viene utilizzata dal sito web per ottimi zzare i tempi di risposta tra l'utente e il sito web. La cache viene solitamente memorizzata sul browser dell'utente | 1 giorno | HTTP |
platform-viewer | frog.wix.com | Preserva gli stati dell'utente nelle diverse pagine del sito | Session | Pixel |
hs | appyoukey.com | Garantisce la sicurezza della navigazione dei visitatori impedendo le falsificazioni delle richieste trasiti. Questo cookie è essenziale per la sicurezza del sito web e del visitatore | Session | HTTP |
7.2 Third-party profiling cookies
The Cookies in question collect information in aggregate form in order to monitor and analyze access to areas of the site.
7.3 Changes and Updates
The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this policy at any time by notifying users and making updated information available.